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Our Industries

Aquaculture — Marine wild resources are limited. In response, modern research has taken the Hawaiian practice of sustainable aquaculture high-tech. About 100 aquafarms operate statewide. In Maui County, Moloka‘i is home to two marine shrimp farms. Maui Nui has plans for an aquacultural facility. Residents may obtain do-it-yourself aquaponic systems to raise fish and vegetables with a minimum amount of space and start-up costs.

Fruits — Placement of sweet golden pineapples in the global fresh-produce market keeps this Maui landmark company vibrant, allowing it to continue a unique heritage niche for Maui’s ag.

Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company — Maui Brand and Sugar in the Raw are two export products originating from this sugarcane company, founded in 1882 and one of two remaining in Hawai‘i. This specialty sugar business now complements renewable energy resource development, as HC & S is transitioning to aid Maui’s quest for increased energy self sufficiency.

Hawaii AgriTourism Association (HATA) — The Hawai‘i Agritourism Association (HATA) connects farmers and visitors for economic and educational viability, resulting in a supplemental income for the farmer and an enjoyable agricultural experience for all involved.

Maui Association of Landscape Professionals — Estate gardens, resort grounds, and public spaces play a role in keeping Maui green. The Maui Association of Landscape Professionals counts members among nurseries, designers, maintenance companies, installation contractors, irrigation specialists, golf course supervisors, groundskeepers, arborists, gardeners, and educational specialists. Its mission is to educate and to elevate landscape practices. It co-hosts the annual Arbor Day Lawn & Garden Fair and Hawaiian Tree Give-Away.

Maui Cattlemen’s Association — Rooted in Maui’s cultural heritage, the cattle industry dates back to 1793. Maui County accounts for more than 140 working cattle operations. The Corporation was formed to promote and support the cattle industry within the County of Maui and State of Hawaii, and to educate the members on developments and opportunities which may assist them in their operations. Membership in the Corporation shall be available to any persons, firms, or other entities engaged in the cattle business within the County of Maui. The Corporation shall be managed by the Board. Membership of MCA also extends to the Hawaii Cattlemen’s Council, and to the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association. In addition, members also belong to the Hawaii Beef Industry Council, an organization committed to the promotion of beef.

Maui Coffee Association — With 40 coffee farms and 4000 acres in crop, coffee production from Maui, Honolulu, and Kaua‘i combined averages about 3.8 million pounds. Moloka‘i has rejuvenated its coffee, and at least 150 acres of new plantings are rooting in Maui Nui. Kula Coffee has become a registered name that guarantees 100 percent purity. Maui Coffee Association promotes the coffee industry on Maui, and offers high-quality seminars.

Maui Flower Growers Association — Flower and nursery products contribute the largest value to diversified agriculture statewide, with reported revenues coming in at over $100 million annually. Maui County is home to about 180 floriculture and nursery operations covering 534 acres. The Maui Flower Growers Association promotes the industry, encourages the sending or giving of Maui flowers, and hosts an annual Flower and Arts Festival.

Maui Onion Growers Association — Sweet Maui Onions, or Kula Onions, grow on about 150 acres on the slopes of Haleakalä and yield 2 million pounds per year. They prove that a good product with unique qualities can have a huge impact, even if small-scale. The Maui Onion Growers Association owns the federal trademark to the names; its label certifies the onions’ authenticity. The annual Maui Onion Festival draws 5000 to 8000 visitors each year.

Maui’s Seed Industry — Biotechnology, roughly defined as the manufacturing of seed crops with new characteristics by way of selective breeding and genetic engineering, is the fastest rising industry in Hawai‘i’s private technology sector. Industry revenues have already grown to at least $70.4 million statewide. Maui County counts at least five seed farm stations, three of which are based on Moloka‘i.

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